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Information From Around The Globe

Amudim Travel To Israel

Amudim Programs for Travel to Israel

Israel offers an unparalleled environment, where people are encouraged to explore everything from Jewish faith to modern life. At Amudim, they strive to deepen students’ appreciation of their role within Israeli society through experiential and immersive programs designed to promote Jewish identity, personal development and social responsibility.

Travel to Israel is a popular option for students considering making aliyah. The country provides an unparalleled learning environment as well as an exciting and demanding lifestyle.

Given the current political and social climate, it is imperative for young Jews who wish to settle in Israel to understand how to navigate this extraordinary land. Amudim offers a range of programs designed to make this transition smoother and more enjoyable, including:

Sherut Leumi

Shalem is the only authentic Sherut Leumi program that invites girls from around the world to live a year of volunteering and independent living in an Israeli religious Zionist environment, fully immersed. This gap year will provide you with invaluable skills, Hebrew identity and the chance to make a positive contribution to Israeli society. It promises an inspiring gap year that will inspire you to reach new heights!

Torah Studies

Amudim’s Torah studies program is both comprehensive and innovative, featuring a range of approaches that encourage individual thought, decision-making and interpersonal exchange. Texts are interpreted in detail and students are asked to take an active role by observing, summarizing, inferring, critiquing, questioning and challenging. This involves observation of various kinds – questioning questions; summarizing; inferring; critiquing suggestions and challenging them directly.


The Meorot program offers a diverse selection of activities, lectures, tiyulim, hagim and internships designed to stimulate discussion about Israel’s significance, history, contemporary state and politics as well as its connections with chesed, health care, military service advocacy and the arts. Furthermore it organizes trips, Shabbatonim in Israel along with comprehensive internship/hitnadvut (volunteer) opportunities where students are expected to contribute back to their community through art care or medical research projects – whatever field they choose!

Meorot serves as the cornerstone for students’ understanding of themselves, their place within Israel’s community, and the opportunities available to them. They gain a profound appreciation for Israel – its history, culture, language, spirituality – while forging links between Torah learning and Jewish community responsibility.

Students are required to apply and complete an internship, or hitnadvut, in the field of their choice. These experiences offer teens a chance to engage with and learn about life outside their daily routine, while building self-confidence and honing interpersonal skills.

At Amudim, interns can explore a wide variety of fields including medicine, medical research, art and the arts; animal care; writing; engineering; start-ups; education – and much more!

In addition to internships, Amudim also has the unique volunteer program Hitnadvut, where students can donate time and energy towards those less fortunate or physically or mentally challenged. This initiative has been a crucial source of support for our teen participants as they grow into future leaders, activists and advocates for Israeli society.

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