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Information From Around The Globe

Sky Cotl Traveling Spirit

Sky: Children of the Light Traveling Spirit Guide

If you’ve been playing Sky: Children of the Light, then you might have encountered Traveling Spirits. These spirits appear periodically and grant certain items from their season to players they visit. Plus, these expressions and cosmetics can be unlocked through Traveling Spirits which can be found throughout the game in unexpected places – making it worth hunting them down!

Traveling Spirits return to Sky at regular intervals from previous seasons and can provide you with a variety of goodies such as expressions, Wing Buffs and Blessings. However, since they only stay for a few days it is essential that you develop your friendship with them before they depart.

The Sassy Drifter is a new Traveling Spirit that will be visiting Sky this Thursday! It is a carry spirit and will grant you with a mask, hat/hair, heart and two blessings. The mask depicts a weasel with orange on its ears, an orange line running from there to its nose and diamond in the middle.

To receive this spirit, you need approximately 79 Candles and two Ascended Candles. You can obtain it by flying over or through a tunnel near sand dunes.

At the AURORA Concert, this spirit unlocked “Flutter”. This allowed you to meditate at a shrine in Isle and transform into a butterfly which will then gather other players and grant them small amounts of Light (this isn’t permanent though). However, if your wings don’t grow enough for this quest to be complete, unfortunately.

This week, you can meet two more Traveling Spirits besides the Sassy Drifter: Confident Tourist and Cheering Ringer. Both can be found atop a hill in Island Cop 5.

1. The Confident Tourist:

2. Cheering Ringer:
3. Waving Bell Ringer:
4. Sleepy Shipbuilders:
6. Mantas –
7. The Whale’s Voice:
8. This spirit can be found near the Broken Bridge in Trail of Fire. You’ll spot a large structure with an arched bridge to its left and some whale bones scattered nearby.

The spirit will be sitting at the bottom of structures on the constellation site, emitting blue particles of light. To catch them before they disappear, you need to collect and illuminate them with some help from friends. Doing this all by yourself would be possible; however, having someone along to help out would make things easier.

In addition to these spirits, there are some exciting additions coming soon to Sky! Keep an eye out for them and don’t forget about the Seasonal Quests; these are easy yet rewarding so make sure you complete them while they are available!

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