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What are Rails Design Patterns & Anti-Patterns

What are Rails Design Patterns & Anti-Patterns?

The object-oriented and functional languages are combined to create the Ruby language’s rich functionality, clarity, and conciseness. Due to the way it is built, Ruby has sharp edges that can make your codebase challenging to comprehend, debug, and maintain. The following explores a handful of these Ruby language features that should be considered when working professionally. Please understand me! The following challenging examples make for entertaining local trials and explorations for purely recreational or even troubleshooting reasons. However, these techniques ought to be avoided when committing software that will be utilized in production.

Since you had a concept and wanted to build something quickly, Rails Framework was among the go-to frameworks. Today, things are very different; Rails is still utilized, but not to the same degree as when it was first developed. Because Rails is so simple to use and operate, many newcomers are drawn in by its speed and ease of development. At first, everything seems to operate magically and without a hitch. You realize that you have been taking a lot of “magic” for granted and that you are unaware of what is happening on the back end.

With all of this in mind, successive generations of software engineers began to see comparable patterns in design & code throughout their careers. The solutions to common problems are now being written down. As software development becomes more complicated, patterns appear more frequently in human thought. Engineers throughout the world started to use and build software design patterns. The principles of well-considered and tried-and-true remedies were further disseminated through books, essays, and speeches. Let’s discuss the word “design pattern” and find out what it is since their solutions helped many people save time and money.

What are Design Patterns?

A pattern in software engineering is defined as a technique that can be applied repeatedly to address a similar issue. Among software engineers, the pattern is regarded as a good practice. We’ll get to that eventually. Because software programmers create them, they can swiftly switch between patterns to their opposing anti-patterns. A design pattern will point you toward the answer, but you need a piece of working code that can be integrated into the rest of your project. Consider a pattern as a guide for creating well-designed code; nevertheless, you are still responsible for coming up with the execution.

Along with this, it is essential to keep in mind when you have to use the Design patterns in ruby.

Design pattern use in several aspects

By utilizing the design patterns appropriately, we can benefit our architecture in the following ways:

Faster Development Process

Software development will go more quickly with well-designed and tested patterns.

Bug-free solutions

Design patterns reduce the number of problems not visible during the early stages of development. Still, they also aid in preventing concerns in the future that might become more obvious. With design patterns, extending the code or handling more cases will be easier.

Readable code

Applying specific architecture principles will increase the readability of our code. The regulations will be simpler for other developers to follow as they weren’t part of the creation process.

What are Anti-Design Patterns?

Exactly the antithesis of patterns, as their name suggests, are anti-patterns. They’re solutions to issues that you should never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever find. Inexperienced programmers who have yet to learn what they don’t know frequently produce such. Worse still, they can be the product of a lazy person who defies best practices and tool frameworks for no apparent reason or because they believe they don’t require them. By hammering out hasty, lazy, or dirty answers, in the beginning, they could hope to save time, but what they may lose in the long run will haunt them or some unfortunate successor. The consequences of these poor choices should not be understated; you will experience effects anyway.

To understand all this better, let’s look at some of the patterns & anti-patterns of ruby on rails.

Patterns & Anti-Patterns of Ruby on Rails

Following are some of the patterns & anti-patterns available in the ror market.

Active Record Patterns

Active record is a design pattern used in software engineering. It can be discovered in programs that keep relational databases’ in-memory object data. In his work Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, published in 2003, Martin Fowler gave it a name. Functions like Insert, Update, and Delete and properties that more-or-less directly map to an element in the supporting DBMS would be included in the interfaces of an object that follows this pattern.

It is possible to access data in a database using the active record pattern. The class contains a database table or view. A table row is, therefore, the only one to which an object instance is connected. The table is updated upon saving with a new row when an item is created. Data from the database is used to populate any object that is loaded. The table row that corresponds to the modified object likewise receives the update. The wrapper class implements each accessor method or property for a column in a table or view

This pattern is frequently utilized in object-relational mapping and object-persistence technologies (ORM). Foreign key relationships are often made public by a property on an object instance of the correct type. You can hire Laravel developers with experience with these design patterns to help you.

Adaptive Patterns

The adapter pattern often referred to as a wrapper in software engineering, is a program design pattern that enables the use of an existing class’s interface as another interface. It is also known as the decorator pattern. Without changing the source code of the other classes, it is frequently used to make the existing classes operate with others. An example is an adapter that transforms an XML document’s Document Object Model’s user interface into a displayable tree structure. The central concept behind this design pattern is to use a separate adapter that modifies an existing class’s interface but leaves its internal structure untouched. Clients are still determining whether they should interact with a target class directly or via an adaptor with a different class that lacks the functionality they need.

Action at a distance

In computer science, the anti-pattern is known as “action at a distance”. It describes situations wherein the behaviour in one area of a program might change drastically depending on obscure or impossible-to-detect activities in another area of the program. A correct design eliminates global variables and modifies data only in a controlled and local manner or adopting a strictly structured programming style with referential transparency are the two ways to avoid the issues related to action at a distance. The phrase is based on the physics notion of action at a distance, which may refer to a mechanism that enables things to interact without needing a mediator particle like the gluon. For instance, Albert Einstein described fundamental nonlocality as “spooky action at a distance.”


So this was the little introduction to patterns and anti-patterns in Ruby on Rails. Various other patterns and anti-patterns are available, and this is just a scratch on the surface. Efficiency, reliability, ease of maintenance, and resilience are just a few of the crucial advantages this offers. To leverage all these advantages, you need to hire dedicated developers with experience working with the patterns and anti-patterns of ruby on rails. They were still supported by the Framework, which is merely its sturdy and substantial foundation. Developers can add to an application to increase its functionalities while enhancing its engineering. Form Objects are an excellent addition to the standard Ruby on Rails toolset. They enable greater business logic separation by separating it from the Framework, breaking down the implementation, and simplifying testing. Applications are more adaptable to changes, and maintenance is more straightforward.

Author Bio

Ronak Patel is a CEO and Founder of Aglowid IT Solutions, an ever-emerging Top Web and Mobile Development company with a motto of turning clients into successful businesses. He believes that Client’s success is company’s success and so that he always makes sure that Aglowid helps their client’s business to reach to its true potential with the help of his best team with the standard development process he set up for the company.