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Information From Around The Globe

weight loss

Plastic Surgery’s Impact on Weight Loss

Plastic surgery for weight loss has been around for years and goes as far back as when the term “gastric bypass,” entered mainstream language, being referenced in the 1980s and earlier. Dr. Joel Aronowitz also points out that while that particular procedure remains one method of plastic surgery to apply weight management and weight loss, other additional procedures can be used that remove extra fat. In some cases, they are also not nearly as invasive either.

Invasive Surgical Procedures

As noted above, surgical procedures focus on weight management through restriction of diet by physically constricting the stomach ergo, the gastric bypass. Alternatively, they also apply weight loss through the removal of excess weight such as in the case of liposuction. Both types of surgery are a serious commitment with a significant recovery time after the fact.

Minimal or Non-Invasive Plastic Surgery

With improvements in technology, doctors are also able to provide cosmetic change through exposure versus invasive techniques or with very minimized-invasive applications. In these instances, specialized equipment is used to trigger body reactions by exposing targeted areas to treatment such as cold laser or with injections such as Botox. These treatments have desirable effects and cause changes in the body. However, unlike the above, they are often temporary in change and need to be reapplied over time.

Risk is Always Present

In all of these mentioned plastic surgery options, aside from gastric bypass, a patient needs to understand that the procedure is only dealing with the outcomes of weight. Joel Aronowitz MD reminds the reader a patient still needs to engage and practice behavior changes that help reduce caloric intake. Without maximizing metabolic consumption of fuel in the form of food, it’s only at the point when the caloric processing and consumption are equal to or greater than the intake that a patient will stop gaining weight and start losing fat. This is easier said than done.

The lack of an effective, long-term weight loss strategy, even after plastic surgery, is also why so many diet fads and trends come and go. The difficulty of losing weight only becomes more challenging the older one gets. Plastic surgery can help a patient restart, but it won’t change the nature of what caused the weight gain in the first place. That depends on the patient changing their way of life. Instead, traditional approaches to weight management are still heavily recommended for long-term weight loss and keeping off the pounds, which include restricting diet, exercising, sleeping well, avoiding processed foods and trans fats, and avoiding practices harmful to the body such as smoking and alcoholic drinking.

Plastic surgery can do a lot for helping with weight loss, and it’s particularly valuable for giving people a second chance.