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How Long Does Vestibular Rehabilitation Take To Work

How Long Does Vestibular Rehabilitation Take To Work

Vestibular rehabilitation treatment, also known as vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT), is a specific kind of physiotherapy in Edmonton, AB that is recommended to treat and alleviate the symptoms caused by vestibular diseases.

It often entails manual head rotations or a gradual regimen of exercises meant to alleviate vertigo and dizziness, as well as vision difficulties or imbalance and falls. When the vestibular system is damaged, the central nervous system can compensate for the inner ear’s diminished function.

Simply put, the brain learns to compensate for the unbalanced signals that are being given from the vestibular system by becoming increasingly dependent on the alternative signals that are being provided by other systems in the body to keep the vestibular balance in check.

Who Can Benefit From VRT?

Individuals who have been diagnosed with a vestibular disorder, which may include the following, are often referred for vestibular rehabilitation in Edmonton, AB:

  • Neurological conditions such as stroke or traumatic brain injury
  • Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD)
  • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
  • Unilateral Vestibular Hypofunction (UVH)
  • Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS)
  • Vestibular Neuritis/Labyrinthitis
  • Mal de Debarquement (MdDS)
  • Cervicogenic Dizziness
  • Vestibular Migraine
  • Meniere’s Disease

If you have not been examined or diagnosed with a vestibular issue as of yet, the following are some frequent symptoms that may improve as a result of vestibular rehabilitation:

  • Vision issues such as double or shaky vision with head movement, difficulty focusing, poor tolerance to screens
  • Brain fog, difficulty concentrating, mild memory issues
  • General dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Neck tightness, stiffness, and pain
  • Imbalance and difficulty walking
  • Nausea, vomiting, fatigue
  • Vertigo (sense of spinning)
  • Frequent falls
  • Headaches

Note: The above symptoms may vary person to person and depending on the severity of condition. It is suggested to contact a professional like Turning Point Physical Therapy for further assistance.

How Long Does VRT Take?

The length of time you spend in therapy will be determined by the underlying cause of your dizziness or balance problems and how well you react to treatment. In most cases, vestibular rehabilitation treatment lasts between 6 and 8 weeks, during which patients attend sessions once or twice weekly.

Some patients, however, can effectively address their concerns with balance or dizziness in as little as one or two treatment sessions, and they may experience benefits in as little as 48 hours.

Individuals with more serious problems may need many months of therapy. Your physical therapist in Edmonton will devise an individualized treatment plan for you, including a timetable for vestibular rehabilitation and the number of times you will need to see them.

Advantages of Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy

Some of the advantages of Vestibular Rehabilitation Edmonton are as follows:

  • Reduction in dizziness
  • Increase in strength
  • Reduced risk of fall
  • Improved balance
  • Stable vision

How Does VRT Work?

There is a strong correlation between feeling dizzy and having poor balance. You may better control symptoms of dizziness, including imbalance, by participating in vestibular rehabilitation treatment.

It may be helpful to learn more about why you may feel highly dizzy, as well as how your body maintains balance, to understand how treatment works.


When your sense of spatial orientation is disrupted, you may experience symptoms of dizziness. Spatial orientation is the process through which your brain calculates where your body is located in relation to its surroundings.

When this occurs, you could feel dizzy or faint because of the change in blood pressure. It’s also possible that you’ll experience shakiness as if your equilibrium has been thrown off.


Your ability to maintain your equilibrium depends on the connection between your sensory system and your Central Nervous System. Your sensory system consists of the following:

Vestibular Labyrinth

This includes the semicircular canals (loops) in your ear, which respond when you turn your head, and the otolith organs in your ear, which respond to gravity and movement.

Your Vision

Your eyes are responsible for sending signals to your brain, which reveal where your body is located in relation to other things.

Your Skin, Joints, and Muscles

As you move, the muscles and connective tissues in your body are subjected to pressure. Your tissues constantly communicate with your brain, letting it know where your body is in space by the signals they transmit.

If you are standing up and leaning backward, for instance, you are putting pressure on the tissues on the back of your foot and lower leg. Because of the pressure, your brain is aware that you are no longer standing in an upright position.

The central nervous system puts this information together so it can teach your body how to maintain equilibrium. Your body’s central nervous system loses its ability to appropriately interpret information if anything disrupts the link between its components.

Your symptoms of dizziness and imbalance may improve as a result of vestibular rehabilitation treatment, which helps reestablish the connections and brings them back to normal.


Sometimes dizziness and imbalance are ongoing problems that may have a negative impact on the quality of your life. VRT helps you restore your sense of balance and better manage dizziness is a crucial component of vestibular rehabilitation treatment.

Talk to a healthcare practitioner for Vestibular Rehabilitation in Edmonton if you are worried about experiencing episodes of dizziness or problems with your balance. They will assess your condition and, if necessary, provide referrals to service providers in your area that specialize in vestibular rehabilitation treatment.

We recommend you to talk to Turning Point Physical Therapy specialists if you have any queries relating to Vestibular Rehabilitation.