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8 Things Every Homeowner Should Know About Exterior Maintenance

8 Things Every Homeowner Should Know About Exterior Maintenance

Maintaining the exterior of your home is not just about keeping up appearances. It’s a crucial practice that enhances the curb appeal and bolsters the long-term value of your property. This is especially true in places like Gig Harbor, where the annual rainfall averages about 46 inches—well above the national average of 38 inches. Such conditions expose your home to potential moisture-related issues, making regular maintenance not just beneficial but essential.

In this article, we’ll explore eight crucial exterior maintenance tips that every homeowner should know to protect their investment and keep their property in top condition.

1. Importance of Regular Cleaning

The exterior of your home faces constant exposure to environmental elements—from dust and pollution to rain and UV rays. Over time, these elements can degrade various surfaces, leading to the need for costly repairs. Regular cleaning of your home’s exterior, such as washing the siding, clearing the roof, and wiping down windows and doors, not only enhances your home’s curb appeal but also prevents the buildup of harmful substances that can cause long-term damage.

For most homeowners, a seasonal schedule for deep cleaning will suffice to remove residues that can accumulate.

2. Roof Maintenance

In rainy climates like that of Gig Harbor, keeping a close eye on your roof is critical. The excess moisture can quickly lead to problems such as leaks, missing shingles, and even structural weakening due to prolonged water exposure. It’s advisable to inspect your roof at least twice a year—once after the heaviest rainfall season and again before it begins. Look for signs of wear, such as broken or missing shingles, damaged flashing, or pooled water.

If you find yourself frequently repairing your roof, considering a replacement might be a prudent choice. Opting for a Gig Harbor, WA roof replacement company that specializes in durable roofing solutions can ensure your home is equipped to handle the region’s significant rainfall effectively. This strategic approach not only protects your home but also can prevent future extensive repair costs.

3. Gutter Functionality

Gutters are your home’s primary defense against foundation and landscape damage caused by rainwater. However, they can only perform this role effectively if they are kept free from debris and blockages. In Gig Harbor’s rainy environment, it’s particularly important to ensure that gutters are not clogged with leaves, twigs, or other debris that can impede water flow.

Regular gutter cleaning, ideally at the start of spring and fall, will help prevent water overflow that can lead to costly damage to your home’s foundation, siding, and landscaping. Additionally, inspect your gutters for signs of sagging, holes, or detachment from the roof, and make necessary repairs or replacements to maintain their functionality.

4. Choosing the Right Siding Material

The choice of siding material can significantly affect the maintenance needs and durability of your home’s exterior. Vinyl siding is popular due to its low maintenance, cost-effectiveness, and durability against moisture. Wood, while aesthetically pleasing, requires more upkeep, including regular staining or painting to protect against moisture and decay. Fiber cement siding offers a middle ground with better durability and resistance to rot and pests than wood and less need for maintenance compared to vinyl.

Whichever material you choose, regular inspections for damage, such as cracks, warping, or fading, are crucial to address issues promptly and avoid extensive repairs.

5. Sealing and Waterproofing

Ensuring that your home is properly sealed and waterproofed is essential, particularly in wet climates. Effective sealing around windows, doors, and other openings prevents water from infiltrating and causing damage such as mold growth and structural weakening. Regularly check the caulking and sealant around these areas, replacing any that are cracked, hardening, or peeling away.

This not only protects your home from water but also from drafts, which can increase your heating and cooling costs. Waterproofing basements and crawl spaces can further safeguard against moisture, helping to maintain the integrity of your home from the ground up.

6. Paint and Exterior Finishes

Paint isn’t just an aesthetic choice—it’s a crucial barrier against moisture and sun damage. In areas that receive a lot of rain, the choice of exterior paint and finishes is particularly important. Opt for high-quality, waterproof exterior paints that offer additional protection against mold and mildew.

Repainting your home every few years will not only refresh its appearance but also provide an opportunity to seal out moisture and inspect for underlying damage. Additionally, consider treatments for other exterior features such as decks and fences, which may require specific finishes to withstand the moist environment.

7. Impact of Landscaping on Home Maintenance

Landscaping does more than beautify your property; it plays a strategic role in maintaining your home’s exterior. Properly planned landscaping can prevent water accumulation around your foundation, which is critical in preventing leaks and structural damage. Use sloping in your garden design to direct water away from your home, and choose plants that require less watering to minimize moisture around your home’s foundation. Additionally, ensure that trees and shrubs are trimmed back from the house to prevent them from damaging the siding and roof during storms.

8. Seasonal and Annual Checkups

Regular inspections and maintenance are vital to keep your home in top condition. Create a maintenance schedule that includes checking your roof, gutters, siding, and foundation at least annually—if not seasonally. This schedule should adjust for the specific challenges of each season, such as clearing gutters more frequently during fall leaf fall or checking for ice dam formation on the roof in the winter.

Additionally, after any severe weather events, conduct special inspections to ensure no part of your home’s exterior has been compromised.


Keeping up with exterior maintenance is key to ensuring your home remains safe, efficient, and beautiful, especially in challenging climates like that of Gig Harbor. By following these eight essential tips—ranging from regular cleaning to strategic landscaping and seasonal checkups—you can protect your investment and enjoy peace of mind.

Remember, while some tasks can be DIY, others may require professional help, so don’t hesitate to call on local experts, such as roofing companies near me in Prince William County. Staying proactive in your home’s exterior maintenance not only saves you money in the long run but also maintains your home’s curb appeal and structural integrity for years to come.

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