Technology-assisted review (TAR) is becoming increasingly popular in today’s legal landscape. When it comes to document review, it is making things a lot faster and easier for lawyers. It’s estimated that about 70% of the total cost of litigation is spent on review. So, it’s no surprise that lawyers are looking for ways to speed up the process.
Technology assisted review plays a significant role in this process, from artificial intelligence (AI) that can help identify relevant documents to software that can make annotations.
Today, many eDiscovery platforms offer TAR capabilities. This means that lawyers can use AI to help them identify relevant forms. In some cases, they can set up parameters so that only certain types of papers are included in the review.
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How is AI changing the legal profession for the better?
In the past, document review was a tedious and time-consuming process. Lawyers would have to read through countless records, looking for relevant information. It was often a prolonged and error-prone process.
With the emergence of TAR 2.0, AI is being used to help identify relevant pieces. It can be done by keyword searches or by looking at the papers’ metadata. This is a massive time-saver for lawyers, so they don’t have to read through every record.
Technology assisted review is not only making things easier for lawyers, but it is also making the process more accurate. In the past, human reviewers would sometimes miss a relevant copy. But with TAR, there is a much lower chance of this happening. AI can help identify patterns and trends that human reviewers might miss.
What does the future hold for TAR 2.0 and the legal profession?
As TAR 2.0 continues to evolve, you will likely see even more AI used in the legal profession. Predictive coding is a type of AI that can be used to classify documents. It does this by looking at a small sample of papers and then using that information to organize the rest of the records.
TAR 1.0 or TAR 2.0 – Which one is better?
While TAR 1.0 was a big step forward, it now shows its limitations. This is because it is often slow and inaccurate. It is also unable to deal with large volumes of data.
That’s why TAR 2.0 is becoming increasingly popular. It addresses the limitations of TAR 1.0 and can provide a more efficient and accurate result.
Are there any potential dangers associated with using TAR 2.0 in law firms?
There are always potential risks associated with using any new technology. But, when used correctly, TAR 2.0 can be a precious tool for law firms.
One of the potential dangers is that some lawyers may try to use it without fully understanding how it works.
Another possible danger is that it could be used to make biased decisions against certain people. For example, if a lawyer only searches for specific data, they might miss important documents that don’t have those keywords.
As anyone involved in a legal case knows, document review can be a time-consuming and tedious process. However, TAR, which uses artificial intelligence (AI), is changing. It can help lawyers review documents faster and more efficiently, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their cases.