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Differentiate CBD From Kratom

Everything You Need To Know About CBD Before You Try It

Hemp-based medicines have been used for ages for health concerns, including pain, stress, and sleeplessness. Over the last several decades, clinical research has solidified its treatment applications with proven science.

Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, is one of the most popular hemp medicines. CBD is a cannabinoid compound, one of over a hundred such compounds found in cannabis. It is extracted and isolated through various processes and can be blended into all sorts of products, including CBD oil.

Before taking CBD, it is recommended that you spend some time researching the different types, dosage considerations, safety information, and the most optimal delivery method based on your specific needs.

Types of CBD

The cannabinoid compound CBD has a particular chemical composition, and it is present in three distinct types of blends when extracted from the hemp plant. The three types of CBD blends are full spectrum, broad spectrum, and isolate.

The processes involved in CBD extraction and filtration vary greatly and yield different end products depending on the methods used.

Full Spectrum CBD blends are characterized by oils that contain not just CBD but various other cannabinoids like CBN, CBG, and CBC. These blends will also have minimal, non-psychoactive levels of THC, the compound most notably found in marijuana responsible for its intoxicating effects. Federal and state regulations require that THC levels in over-the-counter full spectrum CBD products fall below 0.3% to ensure that the CBD oil you consume will not get you high. Full spectrum CBD oils have a naturally occurring gold, amber, or mahogany color that results from flavonoids, chlorophyll, and other plant compounds. When you first open a full spectrum CBD oil, you may notice a distinct hemp aroma. This “weedy” scent found in high-quality products like USDA-certified organic CBD oils comes from naturally occurring plant terpenes, which also possess health benefits in addition to cannabinoid compounds. Some clinical research shows terpenes help to activate cannabinoids in the body, making them more effective.

Broad Spectrum CBD is similar to full spectrum blends with one key difference. Broad spectrum CBD goes through a filtration process known as chromatography that is designed to remove the presence of the psychoactive compound THC. While these blends maintain a beneficial cannabinoid and terpene profile, THC levels are reduced to 0.0%. It’s optimal for those who may be sensitive to THC or want to avoid it altogether while still benefiting from the CBD entourage effect.

CBD isolate products require more advanced post-extraction processes that separate cannabidiol from the other compounds in raw plant material from hemp. Isolating CBD results in a 99% pure CBD powder. There is no THC present in isolate oils. Moreover, all of the terpenes and plant matter have been completely removed. For this reason, pure isolate products are usually colorless, flavorless, and have no hemp aroma. You get only pure cannabidiol.

Usage and Dosage

Once you’ve determined which type of CBD blend you want to take, your next step is determining how much CBD to take.

While CBD is forgiving and overdose is extremely rare, understanding optimal dosage ranges based on your body weight and other factors will help you find the most effective health benefits.

According to, the maximum recommended dose based on clinical study is about 1.5 milligrams of CBD per one pound (lbs) of body weight or about 3.3 mg per kilogram (kg).

The suggested starting dose for users trying CBD for the first time is between 25 mg and 50 mg daily for at least the first few days.

From here, you can adjust your dosage as needed. Research shows that even a low dose of 50 mg daily is enough to help support positive health benefits by reducing stress, anxiety, and pain.

The most common dosage range is 100 to 200 mg of CBD daily, and some users take up to 400 mg or more depending on their therapeutic needs.

Your dose of CBD can be taken all at once, or you can split your recommended daily amount into two or three doses taken throughout the day.

How To Take It

CBD is available in oils, softgel, gummies, concentrates, and edibles like honey sticks, cookies, and even lollipops. It can be applied topically when blended into skin or body care products or inhaled directly into the lungs.

How you take CBD is entirely up to you.

Most clinical studies involve patients who take CBD orally or sublingually (under the tongue) as a CBD oil or softgel capsule. When using these methods, your body will absorb CBD in a few minutes to an hour, with peak effects lasting from 4 to 8 hours.

Absorption is almost instant when using a vape to inhale CBD, but peak effects dissipate in 2 to 4 hours.

Topical application is usually most appropriate for those targeting specific pain areas on the body. CBD is absorbed into the skin over a period of one hour, with peak effects at 4 to 6 hours.

Safety and Side Effects

CBD is a powerful natural medicine that is safe to use when taken responsibly and within the suggested dosage ranges.

Side effects are rare and dissipate with lowered or discontinued use. Common side effects may include dry mouth, gastrointestinal discomfort, or drowsiness.

Start Feeling Better

The science for CBD continues to show astonishing benefits. According to scores of researchers, it is an excellent front-line option for those suffering from health conditions, including aches and pain, arthritis, inflammation, stress, anxiety, depression, and sleep problems.

CBD is an effective natural medicine to support better everyday health when combined with a wellness plan that includes exercise, a healthy diet, and other medically recommended treatments.

When you are looking for a reliable CBD seller, make sure the one you choose has a satisfaction guarantee that’s good for at least 30 days. Everybody is unique, and CBD tends to get expensive at higher dosage ranges. A 30-day window allows you to try it before you decide if CBD is suitable for you.