Overachieving is not always a bad thing. People may suggest you are an “overachiever” by referring to your intelligence, success, and dedication. If you feel your success is being overshadowed or crippled by anxiety, then it may be time to reconsider your unwavering pursuit of excellence.
Here are some questions to ask yourself if you suspect you might be overachieving.
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Are You Focused on the End Results?
Overachievers believe that it doesn’t matter what the outcome is. This is how they judge themselves and others. They will read all essay writing service reviews to know how good they are. They will tell you they are bad because of one mistake.
Failure does not mean that an overachiever is failing, but it is how they determine their worthiness. Bad outcomes can have devastating consequences, so overachievers will do whatever it takes to avoid them.
Overachievers are more likely to feel relief when they achieve a goal. They are not happy or proud of their achievement, but they feel relieved that they did not fail.
Are You a Perfectionist?
Sometimes, overachievers can become obsessed with perfection. Being imperfect is a sign that you are failing, so it’s not uncommon for overachievers to go to great lengths to keep their image perfect.
While achievement is generally a positive thing, perfectionists are not necessarily bad. This can often be a sign that you value excellence and are dedicated to doing your best. When perfectionionism becomes a source for stress and anxiety, it can cause a disruption in your mental and physical well-being.
Do You Criticize Yourself?
It’s normal to be critical of your own behavior. Overachievers can be prone to criticize themselves for not living up to their high expectations.
They may set impossible goals and then suffer criticism and self-recrimination because they fail to live up these lofty standards.
Overachieving can lead to anxiety and self-doubt. Stress can come from the constant striving to achieve an impossible goal and the fear of failing.
Are you only focusing on the future?
Overachievers tend to be so focused on the future that they avoid negative outcomes. This is a problem because they often neglect the present and the here and now.
They don’t live in the moment because they worry about what might happen down the line. They can’t enjoy the moment because they worry about what will happen in the future.
Are You Working Too Much?
You might be overachieving if you feel like you work all day and can’t take a break. Overachievers are known for not taking vacations, days off, or even short breaks during the day.
These behavior patterns can occur from time to time, especially during busy periods when there is a lot to do.
If you find yourself struggling to relax and your behavior becomes a chronic problem, it is possible that you are pushing yourself too far.
Overachievers often work late, stay at the office all day, and neglect to take care of themselves and their hobbies.
Are you willing to take risks in order to reach your goals?
Overachieving can lead to dangerous behavior. Overachievers are more likely to set unrealistic goals. They may also be willing to do anything to avoid failure.
For example, unrealistic health goals can lead to unhealthy behaviors that can harm a person’s overall well-being. Two examples are cutting calories too often to achieve a weight loss goal or running too many miles daily to train for a race. An overachiever at work may cut corners or do things unprofessionally in order to succeed.
Are you prone to anger outbursts?
It is possible to feel overwhelmed by the pressure to exceed expectations. This can lead to emotional outbursts if things don’t go as planned.
People who are already anxious may feel frustrated by their coworkers or who don’t support them. While losing your temper occasionally is perfectly normal, acting inappropriately without much provocation could indicate that you are trying to do too much.
Are You able to deal with criticism?
While critical evaluations of performance can be difficult for everyone, they can be especially devastating for those who are overachievers.
Overachievers fear criticism. Failure is their greatest fear. It might be a sign you need to take even the smallest criticisms personally.
Do You Ever Feel Satisfied?
Overachievers can’t settle down and enjoy the moment. They don’t take the time to enjoy their success even after they have achieved an important goal. Next is all that matters.
It is possible you are overachieving if you seem to be moving quickly from one goal to another without stopping to appreciate your achievements.
Are You Too Stretched?
Overachievers are often involved in too many projects, in addition to working hard. They don’t want to be skilled in a handful of areas. They want to excel at all.
They are likely to get involved in any club, organization or activity at school. They are more likely to volunteer for any project or task that they can.
They may not be able to master all the skills they need, but instead of becoming experts in one, they might end up being proficient in none. Burnout is also possible.
Do you feel motivated by fear?
Many motivation sources can be used to motivate people to achieve their goals. However, overachievers often feel motivated by fear. Fear of failure, fear that others will fail, and fear of being judged or incompetent.
This motivation can cause anxiety. You are actually working hard to avoid failure, rather than achieving your desired goal.
Avoidance-based behavior can lead to distress, worry and other negative emotions that can negatively impact your self-worth and confidence .