People with polycythemia have an abnormal increase in their hemoglobin and red blood cells. Because these blood cells are so large, they can’t move properly, which means that they are thick and more likely to clot. This can lead to an increased risk of anemia and a higher chance of developing a clot. All of the following can be expected with polyclythemia except for one: bleeding from the gums or nose, and an enlarged liver.
In addition to bleeding disorders, polycythemia can cause a vitamin B12 deficiency and large, pale cells called macrocytes. A deficiency in Vitamin B12 can cause anemia as well. Because of this, patients should be monitored carefully and be monitored for any signs of sores or bruising. If a person experiences any of these symptoms, they should see their doctor as soon as possible to get a proper diagnosis.
Another possible consequence of the high red blood cell turnover is the increased risk of peptic ulcers and kidney stones. These sores are difficult to heal and require medical attention. A patient with polycythemia should regularly check their feet for sores and notify their doctor immediately if they are bleeding. A specialist will recommend a hematologist if these symptoms persist.
A poor blood circulation can also result in the development of sores. This can cause an increased risk of bruising and injury. Because sores are hard to heal and poor blood flow means the skin needs to be monitored. Taking a bath or soaking your feet in warm water is not a good idea. If these symptoms are present, it is important to visit your doctor. Your doctor may refer you to a hematologist.
In addition to low red blood cell count, polycythemia can cause thrombocytopenia, leukemia, and anemia. Symptoms associated with polycythemia include anemia, a vitamin B12 deficiency, and a reduced ability to tolerate colds. The most common symptoms of polycythemia are anemia, thrombocytopenia, and bleeding.
Symptoms of polycythemia are often caused by an underlying condition. If the person suffers from polycythemia, they should see their doctor immediately if their symptoms are due to a blood disorder. They may need to undergo chemotherapy. They should also consider a hematologist’s diagnosis. The patient should be able to breathe and exercise without problems.
In addition to these symptoms, patients with polycythemia should be checked for any signs of bleeding. It is important to monitor the patient’s feet and ankles regularly. If a foot sore becomes large and painful, it is important to notify your doctor immediately. If they find any abnormalities, they should see a hematologist. Hematologist diagnoses the condition and provides care.
Polycythemia is often diagnosed through a blood test. During the test, your doctor will perform a bone marrow biopsy or aspiration. If there are abnormalities, your blood may be tested. These tests can reveal whether you have a gene mutation related to polycythemia. Treatment for polycythemia is focused on preventing complications and easing symptoms.
In addition to the above symptoms, polycythemia may cause bleeding disorders and vitamin deficiencies. You should consult your doctor as soon as you notice any sores on your skin. If you have anemia, you should seek treatment with your doctor. All of the following can be expected with polyclythemia except para: Affected feet are prone to sores. This condition makes it harder for the skin to heal. If you have a foot ulcer, it is important to tell your doctor about it as soon as possible.
In general, the most common treatment for polycythemia is aimed at reducing the volume of red blood cells. The most common treatment for polycythemia involves removal of blood from a vein and monitoring the amount of red blood in the legs. It can be repeated until the cellular level returns to normal and the symptoms disappear. Other treatments involve the use of drugs and radiation therapy.