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Travel Network Transmog

Dark Souls Transmog Guide

Transmog is a big deal in the Dark Souls series. For those who aren’t familiar with the game, it’s a bit of a challenge to make sense of the nuances that go into creating the perfect transmog set. Luckily for you, we’ve got a few tips and tricks to help you navigate this tricky little beast of a game.

Travel Network

The best way to access the plethora of transmog goodies is to unlock and activate a travel network within your Sanctum. This is a free service that allows players to send their best friends out on missions and quests to unlock a variety of content, including dungeons and the occasional boss fight.

The other key to unlocking the glories of the travel network is to snag a few Synthstrand bounties courtesy of Ada-1. While they may be a bit more difficult to come by than their PvP counterparts, the rewards are well worth the effort. The best of the crop are Override, Battlegrounds, Gambit, and Vanguard Strikes.

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