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When Can I Sleep On My Side After Breast Reduction

When Can I Sleep on My Side After Breast Reduction?

You might be asking yourself, “When can I sleep on my side after breast enlargement?” Learning to sleep in a new position takes time, but getting quality sleep is essential for healing quickly and enjoying your new breasts as soon as possible. Although it takes time to learn how to sleep on your side, you will soon be a pro. Read on to discover how you can sleep on your side after breast reduction.

While you sleep, elevate your upper body slightly from your body.

Most post-operative instructions recommend that you increase your activity and start early ambulation. But you should also learn the correct way to position yourself while you rest. Jay Orringer, an internationally renowned plastic surgeon, offers some tips. Although lying flat on your stomach may seem comfortable, it can cause uncomfortable side effects. Positioning your upper body slightly above your head can help you sleep better and recover more quickly.

After the procedure, it is best to sleep on your back with your upper body elevated. You can also sleep in a recliner with pillows underneath your head and torso. This is better for you than a regular bed since it will reduce swelling and soreness. Sleeping on your side can increase chest muscle strain and encourage scar tissues formation. If you cannot sleep on your back, you can also sleep flat on your side.

Once your upper body is elevated, you should resume your regular sleeping position. Depending on the type of procedure you had, you may decide that sleeping on your stomach or side is easier for you. Before recommending the best way to sleep, your Wilmington plastic surgeon will take into account your individual circumstances. Generally, sleeping on your back for the first four to six weeks after your procedure will help decrease swelling and improve blood circulation.

Keeping your head slightly above your body while you sleep

To reduce the pressure on your breasts after a breast reduction, it is important to place your head slightly higher than your body. Although this may sound uncomfortable, many patients find sleeping with their head slightly elevated is essential to the healing process. The pillow you use can help you stay in the correct position for sleeping after breast reduction surgery. To aid in this process, you might also consider purchasing a travel neck pillow from a medical supply shop or wedge pillow. Lastly, keep your arms slightly under your body.

Having a pillow under your head while you sleep after breast reduction surgery will help prevent a back slumber and minimize the buildup of fluids on the chest area. In addition, sleeping on your side may cause additional stress on your healing tissue and may increase the risk of implant leakage. To avoid complications, most patients need to sleep in this position for at least 3-4 weeks following surgery.

Avoid acetaminophen

Prescription pain medications, including Tylenol, contain acetaminophen, which should be avoided when sleeping on your side after breast reduction. These medications contain oxycodone, which is the main component of Percocet, a drug with 325 milligrams of acetaminophen. Sleeping on your side after breast reduction can also result in back pain, so you may want to consider purchasing a pillow with a soft cushion to provide more comfort. You should also be sure to wear a bra that provides support, since sleeping on your side may interfere with your recovery.

Keeping your breasts elevated while you sleep

After your breast reduction, it’s important to keep your torso elevated during sleep. This reduces the pressure around your breasts. This can be uncomfortable so Dr. Zemmel may recommend sleeping tablets or a pillow. Also, elevating your chest can help reduce swelling. But a cushion is an even better idea. This way, you won’t be left fumbling with the pillows and can instead concentrate on relaxing.

It is important to wear compression garments when sleeping after breast reduction. Because you can’t move your body while sleeping, it is best to wear compression garments while you sleep. It’s also helpful to sleep in a recliner, so you don’t have to get out of bed as often. The most important tip is to avoid sleeping on your side.

After breast reduction surgery, you can return to your normal sleeping position in four to six weeks. You might find that you prefer to sleep on your side due to your new position. Keep in mind, however, that elevating your head slightly above your body can have multiple benefits. The pillow will support your neck and prevent you from unconsciously rolling onto your side. This will also help with swelling and pain. The last thing you want is to wake up with a swollen chest or an uncomfortable neck.

Sleeping on your back is also important after a breast augmentation. It helps your breasts heal, reduce swelling, and improve circulation. Your breasts will heal more quickly if you sleep on your back. It will also reduce the pressure on the newly-reconstructed breast tissue. A special pillow can be purchased if you are having trouble finding a comfortable position.

Getting enough sleep after breast reduction

Getting enough sleep after a breast reduction is critical for the body’s recovery. Resting your body and mind is a vital part of healing after surgery. Although most of us suffer from sleep deprivation, resting your body is necessary to a speedy recovery. It is important to avoid caffeine, alcohol, or sugar before bed. Also, it is a good idea to turn off your alarm. To help you fall asleep, you can read or meditate. A seamless sports bra can be a great support for recovery.

After breast surgery, you may feel tired and drowsy. It may be difficult to fall asleep in a new position after breast surgery, but it is essential for your recovery. The body releases hormones that relax muscles and promote healing. You will be able to sleep comfortably for as many nights as you need after your surgery. You can sleep in a recliner to give your back a little support.

You should not sleep on your stomach or back for a few weeks after your surgery. Your body will be adjusting to sleeping on your back, and sleeping on your side may irritate the healing scars. Getting adequate rest will help you recover faster. You will feel lighter in the eyes and fall asleep faster if you get enough sleep. So, sleep when you can.

It is important to rest on your back after breast surgery. If you normally sleep on your side, you may want to buy a new mattress and pillow combination. These two items will give you optimal comfort while sleeping. Experiment with different combinations until you find the combination that works best for you. If you still feel uncomfortable on your back, you can train on your stomach or side.

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