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Which Of The Following Statements Regarding Protozoa Is False

Protozoa are a type of organism that live in the soil and in water. They are parasitic and live in the human body. Most species do not harm humans. Most of them are not harmful to humans, but some do. While some may cause diseases, protozoa are not harmful to human beings. There are a few exceptions. These types of animals include:

All protozoa need organic materials for growth, nutrition, and reproduction. They can either be particulate or in solution. The ameba engulf particulate food through the mouth and eject waste materials. The amebae also have a permanent mouth called the cytosome. These fungi have highly developed nervous systems and digestive tracts.

Protozoa are found in the soil and water. Many of them are transmitted through arthropod vectors. Fungal spores are used to identify fungi and other organisms. Both fungi and protozoa have highly developed nervous systems and digestive systems. Which of the following statements about protozoa is false? And which one of the following statements about protozoa does not apply to them?

While all types of protozoa require organic materials to survive, only amebas can consume them. Some have an indefinite mouth, but this mouth is not necessary. Some other types of microorganisms possess a permanent mouth. However, many have cytosomes, which are their permanent mouths. Some protozoa have both a solitary and a cell colony. They can also form very high levels of specialized cells and have an elaborate nervous system.

The cells of the body of all protozoa are similar to those of higher animals. The cell membrane encloses the cytoplasm and the locomotory structures. Among other things, it is essential for a cell to have a pellicle. A cytosome is a membrane-covered structure that contains a food vacuole. Hence, all protozoa have a cellular mouth, which is the mouth of the bacterium.

Protozoa are a subkingdom within the kingdom Protista. In the classical classification, they are placed in the kingdom Animalia. There are more than 50,000 species of protozoa in the world. They can live in all habitats, including marine environments. The fossil record shows that they existed in the precambrian era. The first person to see protozoa was Anton van Leeuwenhoek in 1769. He used simple lenses to view them and described free-living and parasitic organisms in the environment. He was the first person to study these organisms. Then, he went on to describe a species that is now called Giardia lamblia.

Protozoa are one-celled organisms that live in the soil and water. Some of them are able to survive in extreme temperatures, but others don’t. They are common in soil and water, but are often transmitted by insects. In the classical system, they are grouped in the kingdom Animalia. In the past, the first person to see a protozoa identified it as a fungus, but the parasitic species were actually a spongia.

During the evolutionary history of the world, protozoa have been grouped in the kingdom Protista. In the classical classification, the protista are placed in the kingdom Animalia. The number of species and the different types of organisms can reach tens of thousands. The Precambrian era is the earliest evidence for their existence. The first human to observe a protozoa was Anton van Leeuwenhoek, who built simple lenses and observed it in a stool.

All protozoa require organic materials, which can be particulate or in solution. Most amebas, for example, engulf particulate food and perform digestion in their food vacuole. Some protozoa are unable to reproduce in the absence of a host, while some have a permanent mouth. The spores of Plasmodium falciparum are found in their bodies.

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