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Which Of The Following Is Not Characteristic Of Smooth Muscle

Smooth muscle is the only major group of muscles without sarcomeres. Smooth muscle does not appear striated under a microscope. Smooth muscle is non-voluntary and is innervated by the autonomic nervous system. Smooth muscle is composed of mononucleated cells. It is not striated, unlike skeletal or cardiac muscle. Smooth muscles have gap junctions in the cell membranes of their cells, making them non-striated and uninvoluntary.

Smooth muscle cells are spindle-shaped and contain one nucleus. They have a dense body containing myosin and actin filaments that work in coordination. Smooth muscle bundles are not arranged in parallel rows like skeletal muscles. They have a complex structure. Smooth muscle cells contract faster than skeletal muscles. The fibers are homogenous and lack striated fibers. Myosin and actin are found in the cytoplasm, and are responsible for contraction.

Smooth muscle is an involuntary type that does not have striations or arcomeres. The cells of this muscle are composed of spindle-shaped, narrow cells that act together to produce a contraction. Smooth muscle is not striated and conducts well. It is affected by the autonomic nerve system, hormones and local metabolites. Although smooth muscle contraction occurs unconsciously and involuntaryly, it is influenced and influenced by hormones and other factors.

Smooth muscle is non-voluntary and has the ability to hold force, which makes it useful in a variety of functions throughout the body. It functions as an actuator and contracts sphincters. Fluid flows through the organs. It is more useful than skeletal muscles for elastic tension because it doesn’t respond to blood pressure. The following are some examples of smooth muscle and their functions. Which of these is smooth muscle?

Smooth muscle is composed of thick and thin protein filaments that are attached to each other by adhesion junctions. In addition to adhesion, the two cells are chemically and electrically coupled. These junctions allow for the spreading of chemicals. A single unit of smooth muscle has many gap junctions and is often arranged into bundles or sheets. The resulting bundles or sheets are called sarcomeres.

The way they are controlled is one way to distinguish between single-unit smooth muscle and multi-unit. Single-unit smooth muscle consists of multiple cells connected by connexins that allow for cell-to-cell communication, which allows for the diffusion of ions, molecules, and calcium waves. This allows for synchronous contraction while the multi-unit smooth muscle receives synaptic input from multiple cells, and it has much finer control.

The function of smooth muscles varies depending upon the organ it controls. Some of its main roles are to control the diameter of a tissue, the stiffness and the wall movement, and the uterus. Smooth muscle is controlled by multiple myogenic regulatory mechanisms that are activated by external stimuli. These stimuli can come from distant sites, adjacent cells, or autonomous nerves. Many of these regulators also act through GPCRs.

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