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Which Of The Following Is An Example Of Applied Research

Examples of Applied Research

Applied research is a form of research that focuses on a specific problem and makes use of available resources to solve it. Examples of applied research include surveys, focus groups, and the human genome project.

Basic science

Applied Research is a field of science that involves the use of scientific theories to create innovative technologies and improve existing systems. The goal of an applied research project is to answer a specific question. The research is usually done in a carefully planned and controlled manner.

While it is true that basic research may be applied, there are several other types of research. A good example is the Human Genome Project. This was a massive project that was aimed at identifying and mapping all the genes in the human DNA. This project raised ethical questions about the process of sequencing DNA.

It was also a good example of a technological innovation. Using a PCR, or Polymerase Chain Reaction, researchers were able to copy the DNA Strands that are found in a cell. These Strands provide instructions that are necessary for life.

Human genome project

During the 1980s, scientists around the world began sequencing the human genome. The Human Genome Project was a public-private partnership led by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Energy (DOE) in Bethesda, Maryland. It was intended to sequence approximately three billion nucleotides of the human genome. It was also expected to facilitate better theories of human development and facilitate individualized medicine.

In 1988, the US Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) signed a memorandum of understanding. The memorandum proposed the establishment of a five-year program for the genome project. The project would include three genome centers.

The DOE would contribute $4.5 million from its 1987 budget to the genome project. It would also contribute $81.6 million over 10 months. DOE researcher Charles DeLisi wanted to identify mutations caused by radiation exposure.

Survey research

Applied survey research is a scientific approach to gathering information about a large group. Surveys are used to measure traits, preferences, and other facts about a population. Surveys have a number of advantages over other types of research. Surveys are usually the cheapest method of gathering information about a population.

Surveys are often conducted in person, by telephone, or online. Depending on the type of research being done, one of these methods may be the best fit.

Surveys are often used to measure variables, such as attitudes toward immigrants, new laws, and other variables. Survey research also helps to explain constructs, such as how people perceive a new law. Survey research has been used for decades.

There are several types of surveys, which vary in complexity. Surveys can be structured, unstructured, or both. There are many different methods, which are dictated by budget, time, and the type of information being collected.

Focus group

Whether you are trying to develop a questionnaire, test new products or improve the effectiveness of your services, focus group research can help. It provides a direct and objective way to find out how people think about your product or service.

Focus groups tend to be less time consuming than surveys or experiments. But the process requires careful preparation. You will need to recruit participants, write session guidelines and record the discussion.

Focus groups are often used for user research, social science, library science and marketing. They can yield results from topics that have not been studied before. In order to make the most of your focus group, you should have a clear purpose, identify a suitable venue and ensure that the participants are well-informed.

A focus group can be an effective method of obtaining honest opinions on controversial topics. But, it can also be a challenge to accurately assemble a representative sample.


Applied epidemiology has a long history of examining causes of diverse health problems. It also has the capability of developing new approaches for low- and middle-income countries. It has also contributed to cross-national partnerships to combat epidemics.

Epidemiologists use analytic epidemiology and epidemiologic judgment to identify health conditions in communities. They also use statistics to assess the risks of epidemic outbreaks of disease. They use data from surveillance, surveys, and reports to assess potential risk factors. They assess the demographic characteristics of groups with different rates of disease.

Epidemiology is an essential component of public health practice. It is the basis for all public health policy and practice. It provides evidence to direct public health control measures. It also assists in public warnings about epidemics.

As the field has grown, it has expanded to include non-communicable diseases. It has also become increasingly research-focused. It has been applied to a wide variety of health issues, including mental illness, obesity, and chronic diseases. It has also been used to study the determinants of health, as well as behaviours and environmental exposures.

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