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Information From Around The Globe

Which Of The Following Is True Regarding Industry-sponsored Research

What Is Industry Sponsored Research?


In international research collaborations, one of the key challenges is the choice of journal. It is important to discuss this early on in the collaboration. Industry sponsors may try to limit the publication of research findings. Therefore, it is important to identify the journal selection criteria and abide by them. This information will help researchers and editors avoid ethical controversies. In addition, industry-sponsored research can also limit the availability of research results, which can have negative consequences for patients.

In some cases, industry provides free or discounted equipment or supplies for research. However, such donations are subject to strict rules. As long as the USC healthcare professionals follow the Discount Safe Harbor, they cannot accept payment from the industry or accept remuneration for attending an Industry-sponsored meeting. In addition, USC Healthcare Professionals may not accept reimbursement from Industry for meeting registration fees, lodging, or incidentals.


DOD industry-sponsored research is a critical part of the Department of Defense’s research and development program. This funding allows researchers to conduct research at a reduced cost and potentially develop new technologies. The research that DARPA funds is audited by an independent auditor. These audits ensure that the funding is being used appropriately.

Most industry-sponsored research agreements are formal contracts between an industry and a university. The agreement will often outline specific goals and objectives. The agreement between the two parties is usually legally binding, but the sponsor must still comply with the University’s research policies and procedures. In addition, certain rights to research project results are transferred to the sponsor. This allows the sponsor to use the research project results to develop a commercial product.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania industry-sponsored research program is a competitive funding program that awards small, Commonwealth-funded grants to research teams at PA universities. These projects typically last between one and 1.5 years, and aim to improve the competitiveness of PA manufacturers. Small-scale grants are intended to support graduate student expenses and non-faculty-related expenses and are open to any Pennsylvania college or university.

Many sponsors require that the University purchase certain equipment or services using contract funds, or require prior approval. For this reason, it is important to determine the exact requirements of the award before ordering any equipment or services. The University’s Business Office and Purchasing Services can provide more information.


Industry sponsored research agreements involve for-profit companies funding University-led research. The University invoices the companies for funds spent on research. The industry sponsors may grant certain rights to the results of the research, such as publication rights or intellectual property rights. They may also require specific disclosures and confidentiality agreements. The University has policies and procedures in place to ensure that these agreements are enforceable.

The University’s Office of Technology Transfer manages these contracts, which must be signed by individuals authorized to sign at the institutional level. The Office of Technology Transfer provides a template contract to assist with the process. A Principal Investigator is responsible for leading research projects under an industry-sponsored research agreement. The research must further the University’s mission, and the application and dissemination of knowledge. A contract prohibiting publication in scientific journals is not consistent with the University’s mission and goals.

PI’s salary based on percentage of time or effort devoted to project

If a PI is awarded a contract for industry-sponsored research, it is important to understand how much time or effort is required for the contract to be funded. The time and effort commitment is not static and can change from one proposal to the next. The SPA recommends that the unit that is awarded the contract calculate the time and effort required to accomplish the specific tasks assigned by the sponsor.

As a PI, your salary may be based on the percentage of time or effort you dedicate to the project. However, if you’re awarded a contract, the PI should make sure he or she is aware of all research personnel. If a project calls for the services of a research assistant, you must ensure that they contribute to the research project in a substantive way.

University-sponsored effort based on percentage of time or effort devoted to project

The University has an established procedure for certifying University-sponsored effort based on the time or effort expended on a project. This process consists of three steps. First, a University employee must provide documentation of the percentage of time or effort expended on a sponsored project. Second, the University must review the documentation to ensure that the time and effort reported is accurate.

To calculate effort, the University uses the percentage of an individual’s total University appointment. This number should be shown in the format requested by the sponsor. This amount is usually represented in person months. For example, a faculty member with a nine-month appointment would allocate 50% of their time, or 4.5 person months, to the project. However, this figure may not be the same as the actual number of hours expended by the employee on a project. In these cases, prior approval is required.

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