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Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Cover Allergy Testing

Does Blue Cross Blue Shield Cover Allergy Testing?

The question is: Does Blue Cross Blue Shield provide allergy testing coverage? The answer depends on the symptoms, medical criteria and cost of the test. This article will outline the steps you should take and what you need know to ensure your doctor is covered. We’ll also discuss the benefits and costs of allergy testing so you can decide whether you need it. Let’s get started! Continue reading to find out more! Then, ask yourself: Does Blue Cross Blue Shield cover allergy testing?


There are several symptoms of allergies, including frequent sneezing, coughing, or eyes watering. According to the medical dictionary Medline Plus, allergies are a reaction of the immune system to a specific substance. Some of these substances can trigger allergic reactions, causing symptoms that range from mild to life-threatening. A doctor will assess your symptoms and discuss your daily routine to help determine whether you may be suffering from allergies.

Over-the-counter medicines and prescription medications can only treat a few symptoms, and you may need allergy testing if those treatments are not working. However, allergy testing is generally not necessary unless you’ve moved away from the pollens or an animal and require immunotherapy. Most Premera health plans cover allergy testing. You can either visit your doctor or use an app such as 98point6 to get started.

Allergy testing is the testing of the patient’s IgE antibodies for a specific allergen. Common allergens include dust mites, animal dander, foods, and drugs. There are several testing methods available: a skin prick test and blood tests, oral food challenges and a trial elimination diet. The blood tests detect potential allergies by measuring the presence of IgE antibodies. The doctor will likely recommend further allergy testing after he is satisfied with the results of the allergy test.

Allergic rhinitis occurs when a patient’s immune system mistakenly identifies a foreign substance as a threat and responds to it with chemical mediators and histamine. Allergy rhinitis can cause symptoms in any organ system, even the lungs. The onset of an allergic reaction may occur during any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions. If you have severe symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.

Medical criteria

There are many medical criteria that can be used to determine if a patient is allergic. The clinical history is a key diagnostic tool, and should tell your doctor if you have allergies or a different ailment. However, the history should focus on the relationship between the symptoms and exposure to allergens. These tests are sent to a laboratory for analysis. Once the results are received, your allergist will interpret the test results.

Typically, an allergy skin test will produce a red, raised area. A positive test indicates that you are allergic. The skin test can be inaccurate, though; some people will produce a positive reaction when they are not. A positive allergy skin test result is often interpreted as a sign of a severe allergy. You should avoid the allergen if it is causing your symptoms. If you have a severe allergy, your doctor may recommend medication to control your symptoms.

There are two types: the surrogate and the gold standard. Gold standard tests involve using one allergen at a time. Surrogate tests are less expensive and more convenient, and are an excellent predictor of results from the gold standard allergy test. A patient suffering from severe allergies may need to be treated with education, avoidance measures, or allergy immunotherapy. The medical criteria for allergy testing can be very broad and varied.

An allergy test can determine if a person is allergic to a particular allergen. It can also help to determine the level of allergic sensitization a patient has. It can help guide your treatment, target environmental control, and predict allergy season. The 2007 NHBLI guidelines recommend that every patient with persistent asthma undergo an allergy test. These tests are also useful in predicting seasonal allergic reactions and prescribing allergen immunotherapy.


For many people, the cost of allergy testing with blue cross blue shield insurance is just too much. Unfortunately, the condition can become so severe that patients may need to stop eating certain foods or give up their favorite pet. In some cases, testing for allergies can also reveal abnormal skin conditions, leading to even more tests and referrals to specialist clinics. It’s not a major issue with insurance. You can check if your plan covers allergy testing with blue-cross blue shield.

Your plan will determine the cost of your test. It could cost you anywhere from $60 to $300. A skin prick test costs around $3, while a blood test can run up to $1,000. Even if your insurance covers the cost, you should still expect to pay a co-pay for the doctor’s visit. But there are some ways to save money on your test, and some doctors offer discounts if you pay for testing with cash or credit card. Some doctors offer up to 35 percent off the cost.

Some insurers cover allergy testing with a low-deductible. Each year, up to 80 allergy tests will be covered by insurance. You may be eligible to receive a free trial of a well-known medication if you have allergy symptoms. Many pharmacies and supermarkets offer allergy testing kits that can be used at home. Although free allergy testing can be a great way to determine if you are allergic, it is not always reliable. It can cause lifestyle changes that are not necessary.


There are many ways to test for allergies. However, oral challenge testing is the most common. Oral challenge testing is one of the most common methods to diagnose an allergy to food, drugs, or other substances. This method should not be confused or confused with other allergy testing methods, such as sublingual provocation and cutaneous provocation. Although this method is widely used, it is not covered under Blue Cross Blue Shield. If you have concerns about allergies, it is a good idea to check with your insurance provider.

The scratch test, also known as a skin prick test, involves applying a suspected allergen to the skin. The person is then monitored to determine if they have a reaction. If they do, then this is a positive sign of an allergy. Although skin prick testing can be used to test multiple allergens simultaneously, their reactivity might be lower in infants and the elderly.

The second method is provocation-neutralization. Provocation-neutralization involves exposing a person to various test doses of substances. This method is used to test for food, inhalant, and environmental chemical allergies. This method is based on the idea that an allergic reaction will disappear as soon as the test substance is removed. The doctor will then prescribe a neutralizing dosage for the future.


Blue Cross Blue Shield allergy testing is subject to the same limitations as other health plans. In addition to payment limits for percutaneous and intracutaneous allergy tests, the insurer also prohibits the billing of participating providers for more than 80 tests per patient per year. There are exceptions for patients who have experienced an allergic reaction or when the tests are required in an emergency. Blue Cross Blue Shield will pay for an additional 40 intracutaneous allergy tests in a calendar year, but in most cases, the limit applies to a patient’s annual visit.

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