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Information From Around The Globe

Correctly Label The Following Anatomical Features Of The Eye

To identify and name the various features of the eye, you should label them accordingly. The pupils and the retina are the two outer parts of the eye. The iris is the inner, black portion of the eye. The pupil and the retina allow light to enter the eye. The following are the main features of the eye. The iris is the colored part of the iris. The lens is the colored part of the iris.

The iris is the inner layer of the eye, covering the back two-thirds of the eyeball. It contains nerve cells that carry visual information to the brain. Between the iris and the lens is the retinal pigment epithelium. The retina is part of the three chambers of the eye. The lens, the colored part of the eye, is the front window of the eye. The iris is located in the center of the iris.

The retina is the innermost layer of the eye. It lines the back two-thirds of the eyeball and is composed of nerve cells. The optic nerve carries these nerve signals to the brain. The retina is surrounded by a layer of special light-sensing cells called the retina. The lens is the back part of the eye, and is the part that focuses light on objects. The iris controls the amount of light that enters the eye.

The sclera is a tough, leather-like tissue that lines the back part of the eye. It is attached to the extraocular muscles, which give the eye its shape. The iris is the colored part of the eye and is situated in the center of the anterior chamber. It controls the amount of light that enters the eye. The sclera and the choroid are the outer layer of the eye.

The iris is the innermost layer of the eye. It lines the front of the eye, and the iris is the back part. The retina has three chambers. The anterior chamber is the front part, and the posterior chamber is behind the iris. A thin membrane, known as the iris, controls how much light enters the eye. The sclera, retina and iris make up the entire body of the eye.

The iris controls the amount of light entering the eye. It also contains muscles to change the size of the pupil. The lens sits behind the iris. The lens is normally clear. It is attached to the sclera by strands of tissue inside the eye. The iris is the colored part of the eye. It is a circular hole in the center of the eye.

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