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Clive Davis Transfer Application

Clive Davis Transfer Application

The Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music at New York University Tisch School of the Arts provides artistic and business training for aspiring creative entrepreneurs in music recording industry. Their curriculum covers Music Production, Musicianship & Performance, Music Business as well as Writing & History. In partnership with NYU Stern School of Business they also offer a dual MFA/MBA graduate program.

This year, the institute is offering a course on Lana Del Rey that will examine her lyrical approach to pop music as well as how her songs relate to social justice movements. Furthermore, this class will examine how her musical influences are informed by feminism and other popular artists who have inspired her work. Furthermore, its holistic approach to music education includes studio-based and technology-focused courses.

Students attending the institute are trained to appreciate both the creative and business sides of music equally, leading them to pursue jobs across various areas of the music industry after graduation. Furthermore, their talents can be applied towards starting up their own businesses related to music – be it a label or management firm or even entertainment ventures with integrated technology.

Apart from standard music education offered at the institute, students also benefit from learning from industry professionals through masterclasses and seminars hosted by renowned professionals from within the music industry. Former Beastie Boys member Adam Yauch donated Oscilloscope Studios to school; students can record recordings there. Ryan asserts that although the institute provides novel methods of instruction to their students, success within and after leaving is ultimately dictated by an old maxim: ‘Practice makes perfect’.

To apply to the Clive Davis Institute, applicants must submit both the Common App and creative portfolio via Slideroom (New York University requires you to pay for this service). Your portfolio should consist of 10 songs that best represent who you are as a musician/fan as well as a short essay outlining plans for future employment in music.

The Clive Davis Institute welcomes applicants from a range of backgrounds; however, those most likely to succeed should demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of creative music business and its growth potential as well as being aware of their personal strengths that could benefit the program’s community.

According to the institute’s website, only 15% of applicants are accepted annually into its school. An admissions committee reviews applications in October with decisions announced to students by mid-November. It’s a highly competitive program; applicants must possess both strong academic backgrounds and well-rounded sets of skills; they must be ready to work hard, while being adaptable enough to quickly adapt to changing situations within an ever-evolving industry.

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