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Information From Around The Globe

Joint Institute For Nuclear Research

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR)

Founded in 1921, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) is a world-renowned research center for nuclear sciences. It is located in Dubna, Moscow Oblast, Russia. The institute employs over 5500 staff and is home to over 1200 researchers, many of whom are eminent Russian scientists.


Founded in 1956, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) is an international intergovernmental scientific research organization. It was set up in response to the formation of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva. JINR is now located in Dubna, Russia, and focuses on elementary particle physics, condensed matter physics, and nuclear physics. In addition, JINR has applied its research in high technology and industrial development.

JINR is a major multidisciplinary international centre for nuclear physics research. It aims to consolidate its position as an important international centre and to develop key areas of research. Its scientific policy is determined by a Scientific Council, whose members are eminent scientists from member states.

JINR has been involved in some of the most important discoveries in nuclear physics. It is a large international scientific centre that works with more than 180 universities in Russia and a total of 280 enterprises in the countries of the former Soviet Union, the CIS and a number of other countries. It is also involved in many international partnership programmes.

Main facilities

Located in the town of Dubna, near Moscow, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) is an international scientific and technical centre, which aims to solve challenging tasks in various fields of modern physics. It carries out fundamental research, integrates university education and the development of high technologies.

JINR’s development strategy is based on innovations. It includes the development of new basic facilities, the improvement of scientific infrastructure and the education of high-quality scientific staff. In addition, JINR is involved in large-scale scientific and technological cooperation.

JINR is a member of many international organizations, including the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the European Organization for Nuclear Research (EOR), and the International Institute for Nuclear Physics (INP). It also collaborates with world’s leading research centers and universities. It has a reputation as a multidisciplinary international research centre. The scientific programme of JINR is focused on important results of crucial scientific importance. JINR maintains communications with about 700 scientific centres in 60 countries.

Collaboration with UNESCO

UNESCO and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) celebrated their 60-year collaboration in a ceremony at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris on 14 February 2018. This event was organized to celebrate the CERN Convention, which was signed in Paris by 12 countries in 1953.

During the ceremony, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences Shamila Nair-Bedouelle conducted a festive ceremony. She was accompanied by IIASA Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program Director Yoshihide Wada and IIASA Research Group Leader Nadejda Komendantova.

The two organizations have worked on a number of projects together. The collaboration is designed to strengthen the capacity of scientists in developing countries to conduct research. It also provides grant mechanisms for researchers in the basic sciences. It is one of the successful models for scientific cooperation.

Publications distributed in more than 50 countries

Founded in 1956, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is one of the world’s leading international scientific research centers. The institution’s research is focused on fundamental nuclear-physical research and condensed matter physics. It consists of seven laboratories and employs more than 5500 scientists and technical staff. JINR is a bridge between West and East and has become an important institution for international scientific and technological cooperation.

The history of the Joint Institute is associated with the names of many prominent scientists. Bruno Pontecorvo, Lajos Janossy, Dmitri Blokhintsev, Vladimir Veksler, Georgi Flerov, and Igor Kurchatov are just some of the names that have helped to develop the Joint Institute.

The first director of the Joint Institute was Dmitri Blokhintsev. The Institute is a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the European Physical Society (EPS). JINR’s scientific policy is developed by the Scientific Council, which is comprised of leading scientists from member states.

Educational conditions for talented young scientists

During the past fifty years, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) has established excellent conditions for the training of talented young scientists. Scientists from different countries and regions of the world are involved in the scientific programs of the Institute.

The Scientific Council of JINR includes leading scientists from JINR Member States, as well as well-known researchers from other countries. The Academic Council is also composed of leading scientists from the Member States. The scientific policy of JINR is developed by this Council.

In addition to developing new high technologies, JINR also promotes broad international scientific co-operation. JINR has established effective communication with 700 scientific centres in 60 countries. This is a key step in the implementation of scientific programs of JINR.

JINR has implemented numerous projects in nuclear and physics fields. In addition, JINR has a very unique choice of experimental facilities for physics. For example, the only superconducting accelerator in Europe and Asia is located at JINR.