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Which Of The Following Is Not Utilized To Culture Viruses

A virus is a small organism with the ability to cause a range of infections. It reproduces by transforming host cells into virions. When a viral cell replicates, the phage DNA is incorporated into the host cell’s DNA. The phage is not present during the replication of the virus. Therefore, phages are not utilized in the culture of viruses.

Viruses are classified by their size and shape. A bacterium has a limited lifespan, and an animal virus can only replicate on a cell in a single cell. A virus can divide continuously if it is growing in an immortalized or transformed tumor. Viruses can be detected by the presence of virions in the filtrate. Plant and animal viruses are detected by cytopathic effects. Molecular techniques such as enzyme immunoassays or plaque assays can be used to detect viral particles. These methods are able to identify the virions of a particular virus.

Viruses are classified as either non-living or living chemical entities. They can be separated from bacteria by bacteriophage or animal virus. Infections with human or animal viruses are termed prion. A prion has an envelope acquired during lysogeny, while an animal virus has a membrane encasing the prion. A bacteriophage is a bacterial virus.

Animal viruses require a cell source from the host animal. This is called in vivo virus cultivation and is important in the identification of pathogenic viruses in clinical specimens, vaccine production, and basic research studies. The host source is either a developing embryo in an embryonated bird egg or an entire animal. In the case of influenza vaccine, the host cell is the hen’s egg. The resulting cloned virus is then cultured in a hen’s egg.

In order to successfully culture a virus, the host cell must be present. This means that the virus must be alive in order to grow and multiply. However, viroids are small naked ssRNAs that require helper viruses to establish their infection. Prions are proteinaceous, and can be easily detected using molecular techniques and enzyme immunoassays. In vivo virus cultivation, the host cell should have a cell that is able to maintain a continuous growth.

Viruses can be isolated from samples of animals or plants by several methods. One of these is cell filtration, which is necessary to extract virions from a sample. Moreover, the virus can be identified through cytopathic effects in the host cells. Serological assays and molecular tests are available for the detection of animal and plant viruses. You can also use specific antigens for the production of vaccines.

The cultivation of animal viruses requires the cell of a host animal. It can be the whole body of an animal, an embryo, or a tissue-culture cell. After virus culture, a sample is prepared for analysis. The cytotopathic effects of the virus are observable in the cell under a microscope. Symptoms of cytopathic infection include loss of adherence to the surface of the container, a shrinking of the nucleus, and the formation of inclusion bodies in the nucleus. Complete lysis may be caused by the inclusion bodies.

In animal virus cultures, cells from an animal host are required for virus culture. This technique is used for identification of disease-causing viruses in clinical specimens and production of vaccines. The latter is used in a variety of circumstances, including when a cytopathic virus infects a cell from a different species. In some instances, the viral infection results in a clonal pattern that is distinguishable from a specific contaminant.

The method of viral culture requires a host cell. In addition, a host cell must be present for the virus to be viable. A healthy cell has a low risk of becoming infected with a particular type of virus. If the viral infection is severe, the patient may be at risk for disease. If a cloned virus is not present, it is asymptomatic.

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