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What Is The Probability That Individual Iii 1 Is Ww

What is the Probability That Individual II I 1 is WW?

How does the probability that an individual will become WW compare to the likelihood of another individual becoming WW? Here are some examples. The probability of an individual being WW depends on a standard distribution. It is 1/64. That means that for every 61 individuals, a certain number of those individuals are likely to be WW. This probability is called the binomial distribution. The formula below will help you determine the binomial distribution.


Heterozygous individuals are more likely to inherit the allele from both parents if they are heterozygous. This would give him or her a 50% chance of inheriting the allele. A heterozygous person would still have a 50 percent chance to inherit both the dominant and recessive alleles. In the case of a ww individual, a parent with IV-3 and IV-4 is likely to pass the gene onto their offspring.

Considering that he or she inherited two disease-linked haplotypes from her father, the likelihood that she would inherit a phenotype linked to hearing loss is 61 percent. The markers she was tested for between D1S201 & D1S255 were not informative. Furthermore, if the two haplotypes were responsible for the disease, the individual should have presented with hearing loss symptoms. This could be due to a reduced penetrance or double recombination event.


We can determine the percentage of the population that is ‘wolf-haired by using the 1/64 probability that individual 1 is ww. If both parents are ‘wolf-haired’, the likelihood of offspring having woolly hair is 1/64. The exact genotype of individual II-5 is unknown.

In tigers, the ‘Ww’ genotype results in a cross-eyed condition if the individual carries a recessive allele. If the parents are heterozygous, both parents must have an allele in order for the individual to be able to inherit a ‘WW-‘ genotype. Individual IV-1 can inherit a allele, either from a parent or from a carrier heterozygote. One in four parents are heterozygous.

(64 – 1 – 2)/64

Two individuals who are heterozygous have a 50% chance to inherit one or the other. Moreover, if one parent has a dominant allele, all offspring of that individual will have it as well. This is a crucial fact in genetics. This rule helps us determine which genetic traits are hereditary. For example, a person may have a thick hair or a thin one, depending on his or her mother’s genotype.

Phenotypes are unique, X-linked, and expressed in one or both parents. In this example, the F1 will be pink, while the F2 will be personate and the third will grow tall. The probability that an individual iii1 is tall is 18/64. Similarly, the F2 plant will have a bw+bw genotypic ratio.

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