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Why Is A Stick Of Gum Like A Sneeze

The answer to the question “Why is a stick of gum like a cough?” can be found in the book, Why is a stick of gum like a wheeze?, which is part of the popular Middle School Math With Pizzazz series. This series includes five books, each providing practice with concepts and skills taught in middle school. This particular book focuses on the topic of multiplication and the relationship between addition and subtraction.

If you’ve ever wondered why a stick of chewing gum is like a sneeze, you’ll appreciate this article. It will help you answer that age-old question. Now you know that gum is not like a sneeze. And that it can cause headaches! But if that’s not your cup of tea, keep reading.

The answer to the question “Why is a stick of gum like a cough?” is located in the set of answers under the exercise, in which students cross out the incorrect answer and write the correct answer in its place. The answers to the title can be found in the Exercise section. If a student doesn’t like a particular flavor of chewing gum, he or she can choose another one that’s less fruity.

If a stick of gum is like a sneeze, it’s probably because of the smell. You may have noticed the strong odor of chewing gum when you sneeze. Fortunately, the scent is not so strong. And if you do, you can always use it to hide your sneeze! The answer to the question is actually hidden in a set of answers under the Exercise, so don’t worry if it leaves a strong perfume behind.

Why is a stick of gum like a cough? Here’s a clue. The gum is not like a sneeze. Instead, it has the same effect. A sneeze, however, is a sneeze. It is a puffy cough. If you cough, you will sneeze. The reason for this is because it is similar to a sneeze.

You’re not supposed to chew gum like a cough. But if you’re in a hurry, you’ll be distracted by the taste of the fruity gum. And if you’re worried about making a loud noise, you might be tempted to cough just to sneeze. Using a pen, instead, will help you be more discreet.

It’s hard to swallow a stick of gum, but it’s a good metaphor for the way a gum sneezes. The gum has a unique smell, but it doesn’t affect the sneeze. This makes it difficult to chew gum, but it’s a great way to eat a piece of fruit.

If you’re curious about why a stick of gum is similar to a sneeze, try chewing gum with your nose. You’ll be more likely to sneeze on the opposite side. A gum sneeze will make you cough. It will also make you sneeze. You can find the answer to this question by looking in the free worksheets library.

The answer to the question “why is a stick of gum like a cough” is in the set of answers for “why is a sneeze” under the category of ‘Exercises’. The answer to the question is the title of the worksheet, and it is a simple cross-reference exercise. The answer to the question “why is sneeze” is found in the top eight worksheets under this heading.

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