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Research Methods In Psychology Quizlet

Research Methods in Psychology Quizlet

Having a good knowledge of the research methods in psychology is very essential. The research methods can be divided into four categories: Correlational research, Meta-analysis, Structured observation, and Case study. This quizlet will show you the differences between each of these research methods.

Structured observation

Observation is a great way to learn about a subject’s behaviour. However, it is not always the easiest method to perform. To get a reliable outcome, you need a proper system of recording and analysis. It should also include a coding system.

Structured observation is a well-defined method of recording and analyzing data. Typically, researchers decide where, when, and how to observe a subject. They will also use a standard procedure. They will also decide which participants to include in their study. The best results are usually obtained when you are able to observe a large number of subjects.

Behavioral observation is a good way to measure a dependent variable in a study. It is also a good way to detect subtle emotional changes in the subjects you observe.

Case study

Psychiatric researchers use case study research methods to investigate a specific case or situation. These techniques can provide valuable insights into common psychological experiences and unusual psychological events.

The case study approach typically involves the reconstruction of the history of a single participant. Researchers may use psychological measures, brain imaging, and participant observation. This allows the researcher to examine a case’s life and behaviour over time. The information gathered can be a composite of the individual’s experiences, family history, and social environment.

Case studies are usually long-term, with the researcher working with a small group of individuals for an extended period of time. The findings are usually rich and detailed, representing the thoughts and emotions of the individual. These findings can provide insight into the causes of behavior and help to develop new theories. However, researchers must be careful to interpret the results, as they may be subject to bias.

Correlational research

Basically, correlational research in psychology quizlet is a statistical analysis technique that attempts to identify and quantify the relationship between two or more variables. It is usually used to make predictions about future events. It can also be used to test the reliability of new instruments and tools. In addition to its uses in predictive modeling, correlational research can also provide initial evidence of causal relationships.

It is not uncommon for researchers to use correlational research to test theories about causal relationships. For example, a researcher might want to find out how self-esteem and academic performance relate. Correlational research can help identify this relationship by looking at different conditions of X.

Correlational research in psychology quizlet may not be a direct answer to a causal question, but it can be a useful way to test theories about relationships.


Several neuroimaging research methods in psychology are used to study how the brain works. Some of these methods are functional, while others focus on the structural aspects of the brain. These techniques are non-invasive and do not require surgery.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a brain imaging technique that shows changes in the blood flow in the brain in relation to neural activity. This technique is used to diagnose brain tumors, and to build brain-computer interfaces.

Event-related optical signal (EROS) is a brain-scanning technique that uses infrared light through optical fibers. It measures the scattering properties of neurons and is relatively inexpensive. It is also non-invasive and can detect activity within a few centimeters.

Functional neuroimaging techniques include fMRI and PET. They are used to study the brain’s function, and correlate brain activity with behavioral data.


Using meta-analysis in research methods in psychology can help researchers understand the magnitude of a relationship between two or more variables. Moreover, it can be used to detect new patterns in the literature. The findings of meta-analysis can be a useful guide in making decisions about patient care.

Researchers conducting meta-analysis should use a systematic search. This search should include the most significant journal articles in the field. Also, it is important to request unpublished studies. Without a proper search strategy, the results can be biased.

In the meta-analysis process, researchers use statistical techniques to synthesise data. The results are then interpreted and conclusions drawn.

Meta-analysis has many benefits, but it also has some disadvantages. In particular, it can be time-consuming and intimidating for researchers who are new to conducting meta-analysis. It also requires complex statistical skills.

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