About Me
I'm a full time working dad that tries to keep up with technology. I want to haev this blog to share about my life, my journey, places I visit, lifestyle, technology, beauty, business and other topics. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Royal Pitch

Information From Around The Globe

Travel Mania Cali

Travel Mania Cali

Travel Mania Cali

Southern California’s famed poppy fields have drawn visitors from across the United States and beyond; but, at times, their popularity can cause traffic nightmares.

Karen Gershowitz was an inveterate traveler from an early age, beginning her travels by herself at age 17 to more than 90 countries worldwide. Her memoir Travel Mania chronicles this life-altering journey – from climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and touring Japanese ceramic studios, all the way through trekking in Morocco’s desert – showing how travelling changed her perspective on life. Read it over coffee with your coffee, or immerse yourself into it on your next trip.

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