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Royal Pitch

Information From Around The Globe

The Story Behind Legal Commercials

The Story Behind Legal Commercials

If you’ve ever spent any time at all watching television, then you’re likely familiar with legal commercials. You know, the ones that flash pictures of senior citizens who look like they’re suffering, accompanied by some sort of unsettling instrumentals and a message along the lines of “if you are a loved one was diagnosed with ‘x’ after being exposed to ‘y’ then call now”? You’ve probably never given them much thought before, either changing the channel or muting the TV or just staring down at your phone until the commercial is over. These commercials are not only important because they connect victims with lawyers who can get them the financial compensation that they deserve, but also because they spread awareness of issues that might not otherwise get any kind of media coverage. Some people might not be aware of the dangers that they’ve been exposed to until seeing these commercials.

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Tepezza is a drug that was released in 2020 by the Irish pharmaceutical company Horizon Therapeutics. It was the first drug created to treat thyroid eye disease (TED). Tepezza provided relief for many people who suffered from TED but had severe side effects for others. The most notable of these side effects was the irreversible hearing loss that many patients suffered from after undergoing just a few treatments with the drug Tepezza. When Horizon Therapeutics applied for FDA approval for Tepezza, they disclosed that the drug had the potential to cause hearing loss in patients who received regular treatments. The FDA still approved the drug despite this, since the manufacturer claimed that the risk was relatively low–only about a 10% chance. However, about a year after the drug received FDA approval and was released onto the market, studies were conducted to further research the effects that the drug had on hearing loss. These studies concluded that the risk for permanent hearing loss was nearly six times higher than the manufacturer had originally claimed. When these new findings were published, lawyers started airing commercials advertising their ability to help victims file hearing loss lawsuits against Horizon Therapeutics, since the company did not do all that it could to accurately warn the public of the true dangers of the drug. At this point, the FDA still has not recalled the drug, so it is important that the commercials continue to spread the message of the dangers of using Tepezza to prevent any more people from suffering.

Camp Lejeune

Camp Lejeune is a military training facility in Jacksonville, North Carolina. The base has trained Marines and Sailors for the United States Marine Corps since 1941. Recently, it was discovered that the water used on the base was contaminated between the years 1953 and 1987. Scientific and medical evidence has found that drinking or bathing in this contaminated water greatly increased an individual’s chances of developing certain cancers and other chronic diseases. If you or a loved one was stationed at Camp Lejeune for at least 30 cumulative days between August 1953 and December 1987–and did not receive a dishonorable discharge from the military–you could be eligible for disability benefits from the VA if you have suffered from any of the illnesses found to be linked with the camp’s contaminated water. You should also consider finding an attorney to help you file a lawsuit against the U.S. military for their negligence, as so many other victims have done.


Asbestos has been used in a wide range of products for centuries, though the industry became more industrialized in the 1870s. Within a few decades, healthcare professionals began to notice that many of the workers exposed to asbestos developed breathing problems. In response to this alarming trend, authorities published warnings about the potential danger that asbestos exposure posed. In the 1930s, the United States Department of Labor announced new safety guidelines for companies that manufactured asbestos products, but even with these new protocols, workers were still exposed to high amounts of asbestos. In the 1940s, researchers established the connection between asbestos and cancer, yet production still didn’t stop. In fact, instead of working harder to protect workers, companies worked harder to cover up the danger of asbestos. It wasn’t until 1977 that the negligence of these companies was exposed when attorneys discovered ‘the Sumner Simpson papers,’ a 6,000-page document that highlighted all the work that these companies had done to keep the truth about asbestos hidden. If you or a loved one worked for any asbestos companies or were exposed to asbestos through any of their products, then you should find a lawyer to help you get the financial compensation that you are entitled to.

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