Electromagnetic fields are all around us, they are the result of the things we use every day, from microwaves to heat our food, to our cellphones and computers. Electromagnetic radiation is something that we all experience every day, and that there are no real ways to eliminate fully. As such, it is necessary to learn what electromagnetic radiation is, what it can do to us, and if there are any ways to help lessen its effects.
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What is Electromagnetic Radiation?
Electromagnetic radiation is radiation of any electromagnetic waves that are in the air all around us. These rays are separated into different categories or places on the spectrum that help to identify them. Electromagnetic fields, or EMFs, are part of every day and they are all around us, even when we cannot see them.
These waves are a result of energy transfer and are necessary for our phones to work, our computers to work, our televisions and more. These rays can affect our bodies differently, and over time, they can affect our bodies negatively.
What Negative Health Effects do EMFs Cause?
There are a few different negative effects that EMFs can have on the human body when exposure is prolonged. One that many people report is sleep disturbances and issues with falling asleep and staying asleep. Insomnia is also noted. Another negative effect you might see if headache, depression or depression like symptoms, being overly tired or having very bad fatigue, and dizziness.
Still another issue that someone exposed to electromagnetic radiation might experience is changes in their memory, lack of concentration, and even itchy or painful skin. These are all signs that you might notice and that you might have all together, or that might only occur one at a time.
In most cases, these are symptoms that are not going to be present if you just experience electromagnetic radiation a little or every now and again, for these symptoms to be profound and for them to affect your day-to-day life, you do have to be exposed to EMFs for a very long time at rather high doses.
Types of EMF
There are different types of EMF, from radiation that comes from x-rays, to gamma rays, to UV rays that we feel from the sun. There are two main types of electromagnetic radiation. First, ionizing radiation. These are rays like x-ray and gamma rays that have the ability to change the structure of the human cell and damage them irreparably.
Then there is nonionizing radiation. These are rays that can cause neurological issues potentially and that do have lesser effects on the human body. These are things like microwaves. These are the waves that we are most likely to come in contact with on a day-to-day basis.
Mitigating EMF
There are some ways that we can mitigate EMF and you can reduce your overall exposure to radiation. Mitigation by a company like Aires Tech is a great way to help protect you and your family from EMF radiation without having to do a ton on your own. EMFs are all around us. We cannot avoid them unless we go above and beyond to change the way we live and the world that we exist in.
Knowing what EMF is, how it affects us, and how it can be mitigated can help to protect you and help you to do more and be safer in the world that we all live in and that we all have to exist in. EMF is not going anywhere. Knowing what they are can help you to do better and feel better.