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How a Police Report Can Help Your Car Accident Case in Austin

How a Police Report Can Help Your Car Accident Case in Austin

Austin is well-known as the live music capital of the world. The Austin Police Department has introduced an online reporting tool that is easily accessible for people to create their police reports. Therefore, people don’t have to wait for the police officer.

A police report is very important after a car accident. It is a record that has information based on the accident, such as the circumstances of the accident, essential facts, and witnesses, together with the observations of the reporting officer.

This is one of the core pieces of evidence that can go a long way in strengthening your car accident case and establishing liability. The tactical actions of a police officer at the accident scene in producing the police report are essential to your case. Learn why police reports are important and how experienced Austin car accident lawyers can help guide you through the process.

The Importance of a Police Report

The police report is a neutral and objective narrative of what took place during an accident. Detailed information recorded on a police report includes:

  • Date, time, and location of the accident
  • Weather and road conditions at the time of the crash
  • Description of the vehicles involved, including make, model, and license plate numbers
  • Statements from drivers, passengers, and witnesses
  • Videos or photographs depicting the accident scene and vehicle damage
  • Preliminary assessment of fault by the responding officer

How to Obtain a Police Report Work in Austin

Typically, those who seek such reports can visit the local police department and pay a specific fee to obtain a physical copy.

The Texas Department of Transportation has provided a provision for searching and downloading crash reports through a Crash Records Information System (CRIS). That has made it possible to search for results that were otherwise unavailable for online viewing of confidential records.

In Austin, two distinct forms are used to report accidents: the CR-2 and the CR-3. Individuals who do not involve the police after an accident file a CR-2, while police officers complete a CR-3. To obtain a CR-3, specific criteria must be met, including being directly involved in the accident or representing someone involved, such as a parent, lawyer, or employer.

Additionally, both individuals and police officers must submit their crash reports to TxDOT within 10 days of the accident to avoid potential consequences such as driver’s license suspension.

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Seeking Guidance from Austin Car Accident Lawyers

In the event of a car accident in Austin, the services of experienced car accident lawyers are paramount. These lawyers help greatly in using the police report to your advantage.

Here is a brief overview of how experienced Austin car accident lawyers can help you:

  • The attorney will read the police report carefully, down to the last detail, with an eagle’s eye to spot disparities or any other inaccuracies that may affect the case.
  • Ensure all that information is righteously documented and presented.
  • Add relevant information to the police report. In addition to the information in the police report, your attorney thoroughly investigates all the crucial details surrounding the accident. This can entail gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and seeking accident reconstruction specialists to establish a strong case.
  • Most insurance companies base their facts on police reports to determine liability and estimate the claim. The attorney will use the police report to negotiate with the insurance company and obtain maximum compensation.
  • In the event of a case proceeding to litigation, the attorney will be present to represent you. They will present evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and then argue on your behalf to make sure you get a favorable judgment.
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