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I'm a full time working dad that tries to keep up with technology. I want to haev this blog to share about my life, my journey, places I visit, lifestyle, technology, beauty, business and other topics. I hope you enjoy reading it.

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Information From Around The Globe

Category: Fashion

What Is Trending in 2022 Fashion?
What Is Trending in 2022 Fashion?

Fashion is about so many things. It’s fun, playful, and a great chance to let the world know who you are and how you feel about things. Keeping up with these excellent fashion trends today is one way to show off your ability to stay on trend and demonstrate you have your pulse on the […]

Tourmaline Stone Meaning, Powers & Benefits For Health
Tourmaline Stone Meaning, Powers & Benefits For Health

Tourmaline is a crystalline gem stone varying in different colors sometimes referred to as a “rainbow stone”. Associated month for this stone is “October”. Meaning: The word Tourmaline actually originated from the word “turamali” meaning “Unknown gemstones of mixed colors”. It is a stone known for inspiration, cleaning aura, awareness, better understanding, having empathy/sympathy for […]

Replica Watch Buying Tips for You
Replica Watch Buying Tips for You

Watches can reveal a person’s perspective on life. However, the cost of designer timepieces is frightening. Luckily, replica watches came into existence which fixed this issue since replica watches often cost a few hundred dollars. When purchasing replicas online, customers have several possibilities, i.e., brands and store options. The tips discussed in this post will […]

Types Of Cushion Cut Diamonds You Must Know
Types Of Cushion Cut Diamonds You Must Know

When it comes to buying a diamond engagement or wedding ring, the shape of the diamond usually takes center stage. The shape of the diamond defines the whole look of your ring. It not only just affects the ring’s appearance but also affects the overall cost of the ring. The entire structure of the wedding […]

Future of Lab Created Diamonds In Coming Years
Future of Lab Created Diamonds In Coming Years

Throughout your life, you must have come across the word diamond at least once. It is nearly impossible not to as the diamond industries have done their fair share of advertising the idea that diamonds are the ultimate symbol of love. Perhaps your favorite entertainment industry celebrity can’t stop showing the new bling they got. […]

Best Rollerblades for Women
Best Rollerblades for Women

Roller Skating is a good sport for teenagers as well as for adults. Anyone can ace it with proper training and a perfect pair of rollerblades to skate. Whether you are really into rollerblading, an experienced roller skater, or just a beginner in this sport, various rollerblades are available based on your needs. But before […]

6 Tips To Improve Your Fashion Game
6 Tips To Improve Your Fashion Game

During our daily lives, from our workspace to holidays, who we meet and what we are permitted to do keeps evolving every day. Within this, less importantly but just as drastically, our approach to what we wear each day has also faced a transformation. Whether you purchase from a favorite store or shop online more […]

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