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Information From Around The Globe

Why Do Doctors Look Down Your Pants

Why Do Doctors Look Down Your Pants?

Doctors will examine your pants when you visit them for a variety of reasons. First of all, it’s a good idea to have your pants undone, so the doctor can check for any lumps or bumps that might be concerning or just development that’s normal. Additionally, undoing your pants can help your doctor hear if there is any liquid in your lungs, which could indicate an underlying illness. A second reason hernias may develop more often in men is due to weight gain and muscle loss. Hence, most physicians will request that you undo your pants for them to examine the hernia.

Examining the private area

A doctor will examine the pelvic area during a private exam. It may seem uncomfortable, but it’s necessary to detect any potential health issues or sexually transmitted diseases. A pregnancy may also be detected by pelvic exams. Below are some of the most common procedures that doctors perform on women. If you’re concerned about a condition, discuss it with your practitioner and other medical staff. The doctor will be able to discuss your condition with you and advise you on how to proceed, if necessary.

An examination of the vagina takes about three to five minutes. It’s best performed when you don’t have a period. You might have difficulty scheduling an appointment if your cycle is irregular. If you can, ask the doctor about your period timing before the exam. Most doctors will allow you to attend the exam while on your period. Your doctor should know if this is your first time having your private area examined.

Making sure it’s not a hernia

Routine checkups include having your doctor examine your pants. While you have the right not to decline, it is best to be open with your doctor and take photos of your abdomen. The most common type of hernia is the incarcerated type, which can’t be gently pressed back in while you’re standing. These cases require immediate surgery and can have serious consequences for the patient’s health.

Although the vast majority of hernias will require surgery, a small percentage may be treatable with simple follow-up care. For 79 percent of cases, surgery is required. However, some hernias can still be monitored for a time without needing to be repaired. The doctor may recommend wearing a support garment, losing weight, and quitting smoking. If you are concerned about the condition, you should talk with your doctor about possible treatment options.

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