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Information From Around The Globe

This Name Reveals The Number Of The Muscle’s Origins

A muscle’s name is derived from its location, function, and origin. For example, biceps are located on the chest, gluteus are on the buttock, brachii are on the arm, and lateralis is beneath the thigh. The biceps have two heads, while triceps and quadriceps have three. A muscle has many names, including abductor, adductor, and sternocleidomastoideus, each of which reveals the number of origins.

Although muscle names can sound complicated at first glance, once you learn the basics of muscle naming, they are very simple. Unlike some vocab words, these names give clues about the location of the muscle. A muscle’s name will usually reveal where it attaches to its attachment, but it’s always the origin that comes first. For example, the sternocleidomastoid muscle has dual origins, since it inserts on the mastoid process of the temporal bone.

The pectoralis Major is a fan-shaped muscular that contributes to the arm’s thoracobrachial motion. It is divided into two parts, a clavicular and sternal portion. It is innervated via the medial andlateral pectoral nerves. Biceps brachii is one of the four muscles in the thoracobrachial area. This large triangular muscle is located in the lumbar region and inserts onto the humerus via a narrow tendon.

Skeletal muscles are the organs of the vertebrate muscular system. These muscles are generally attached to bones of the skeleton via tendons. Although all bones have similar physical characteristics, their functions can be very different. Muscle anchoring is essential for controlled movement. Skeletal muscles consist of three parts. The first part is the skeletal muscles, also known as the “muscle-body” because it connects with the bones of the bone skeleton.

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