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I'm a full time working dad that tries to keep up with technology. I want to haev this blog to share about my life, my journey, places I visit, lifestyle, technology, beauty, business and other topics. I hope you enjoy reading it.

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Information From Around The Globe

Category: General

How Many Days Are In 5 Weeks

If you are looking to know how many days are in 5 weeks, you will need to understand how the calendar works. A week is a period of time that lasts seven days. To determine how many days are in 5 weeks, you must first determine the length of a week. To find out, multiply […]

How Tall Is 44 Inches In Feet

To find out how tall you are, it is important to convert 44 inches to feet. Using a conversion chart, you can quickly see how many feet 44 inches equal. The chart below can be viewed in any resolution, including desktop monitors and mobile phones. It displays the relative values of one inch and one […]

Love The Skin You Re In Brand

Have you been unable to find the right answer for Love the skin you re in brand? Do you find yourself comparing yourself to others or even to yourself? Well, if you want to improve your self-esteem, try trying a new brand, such as OLAY. Its slogan “You can love the way you look” is […]

Cut Him Off He Will Miss You

You may have already heard of the phrase, “cut him off and he will miss you,” but did you know that cutting off communication will make your ex man miss you? While it might not be a good way to end a relationship, a quick breakup will cause your ex to think you’re not important […]

How Much Is 400 Ml In Cups

In most cases, a unit of measurement like 400 ml is equal to 1.66667 cups, or 1.6907 US ounces. To convert 400 ml to cups, you should first take a standard glass as the unit of measurement. This will give you an idea of how much one glass contains. In addition, this same measurement is […]

How Is Behavior Therapy Different Than Psychoanalysis

Psychoanalysis and behavior therapy are different forms of psychological treatment. The former is focused on insight-seeking, while the latter works to change the way an individual behaves. Behavioral therapy is a process of modifying the ways an individual thinks and acts rather than the thoughts themselves. It helps to remove underlying causes of behavioral problems. […]

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