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I'm a full time working dad that tries to keep up with technology. I want to haev this blog to share about my life, my journey, places I visit, lifestyle, technology, beauty, business and other topics. I hope you enjoy reading it.

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Information From Around The Globe

Category: General

She’s Sunshine Mixed With A Little Hurricane

She’s sunshine mixed with a little hurricane is the perfect description of a person. She’s bright and graceful with imperfections and a few fall throughs that pave the way to better things. A bright, sunny person embraces both and embraces them both. She’s sunshine mixed with a little tornado. Read on to learn more about […]

Never Hurt A Woman Who Loves You

Women deserve the best in a relationship, and you should never hurt a woman who loves you. This is particularly important if you want to stay true to her and protect her heart. She has probably been broken too many times before, and you should never do that. The same goes for men. While you’re […]

How Long Is 11 Weeks In Months

If you’re wondering “how long is eleven weeks in months?” you’ve come to the right place. You’ll be surprised to learn that the conversion factor is only 0.22998418858703. This time converter can also be used to estimate your due date. Using this calculator, you can find out how many months you’ll be expecting and how […]

How Much Does A Box Of Shoes Weigh

If you’ve ever bought shoes online, you know that the shipping boxes can add up to quite a bit of weight. But how much does a box of sneakers actually weigh? The average box of shoes will weigh about two to three pounds, depending on the brand and size. And that’s before you take into […]

How Long Does A Chiropractic Adjustment Take

A chiropractic adjustment is not an instant fix. It takes a few days or even weeks to feel its full effects. However, the time it takes to recover from an adjustment depends on many factors. First, it is important to understand the mechanics of the procedure. While chiropractic adjustments are generally gentle, they require a […]

Which Statement Is Most Accurate About Abuse

The question: “Which statement is more accurate about abuse?” has been a subject of much debate. While one may disagree with the other, there is some common agreement. For instance, physical abuse only hurts the person who is abused, while neglect is a form of neglect. Both types of abuse are harmful, but the latter […]

Does Female Discharge Glow Under Black Light

Does female discharge glow under black light? The answer depends on the chemical composition of the bodily fluids. The male discharge is the brightest under a black light, whereas the woman’s discharge is slightly less bright. However, it’s possible to determine which is more vibrant and why. Read on to learn more about the science […]

What Is A Causal Relationship In A Text

A cause and effect text examines similarities between two or more things, such as the cause of a crime and the result of the crime. It is a literary device for illustrating a connection between the action and the result. Causation and outcome must be correlated, and there should be a clear link between the […]

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